
Rene Kizilcec
Professor Rene Kizilcec
Lab Director; Associate Professor of Information Science
Scott Allen
Scott Allen
PhD Student in Physics
Interests: Physics education, behavioral integrity, trust in the instructor
Ji Yong
Ji Yong Cho
PhD Student in Information Science
Interests: language learning, serious games, motivation
Kimberly Williamson
Kimberly Williamson
PhD Student in Information Science
Interests: Learning analytics, data vis, educational equity, educational technologies
Jinsook Lee
Jinsook Lee
PhD Student in Information Science
Interests: data science in education, predictive analytics in higher education, algorithmic fairness
Yan Tao
Yan Tao
PhD Student in Information Science
Interests: learning analytics, educational technologies, hybrid learning.
Mina Chen
Youjie (Mina) Chen
PhD Student in Information Science
Interests: Learning analytics, online learning, higher education

Lab Alumni

Wentao Guo
Wentao Guo
Undergraduate Senior in Computer Science
Interests: software engineering, Pathways
Yuanhao Zhu
Yuanhao Zhu
MPS Student in Information Science
Interests: UX Design, HCI, Online learning
Lilach Alon
Lilach Alon
Postdoctoral Fellow in Information Science
Interests: Active learning in higher education; Personal information management (PIM); Information behavior and feelings; Digital literacies
SeoYoon Sung
SeoYoon Sung
Postdoctoral Fellow in Information Science
Interests: Active Learning, group work, technology, training & learning in organizations
Sunil Sabnis
Sunil Sabnis
Undergraduate Senior in Information Science (major), Computer Science (minor)
Interests: software engineering, machine learning, LMS data, procrastination, equity in higher education
Yue Ji
Yue Ji
Undergraduate Junior in Computer Science
Interests: learning analytics, AI-enabled learning, education equity
Faizaan Datoo
Faizaan Datoo
Undergraduate Senior in Computer Science
Interests: software engineering, Pathways and CourseCrafter project
Zikai Alex Wen
Zikai Alex Wen
PhD Candidate in Computer Science
Interests: Educational games, learner-centered design
Hannal Lee
Hansol (Hannah) Lee
MS Student in Computer Science — now PhD at Stanford GSE
Interests: Algorithmic fairness in education, predictive modeling, learning analytics
Max Chen
Max Chen
Undergraduate Student in Computer Science and Statistics — now PhD at Columbia
Interests: Computational Social Science, HCI, natural language processing, social good
Yifei Zheng

Yifei Zheng

Undergraduate Student in Information Science
Interests: Educational technologies, CMC, HCI, CSS
Souleiman Benhida
Souleiman Benhida
Undergraduate Student in Computer Science
Interests: Access, discovery, matching, interest
Sanithia Edwards
Sanithia Edwards
Undergraduate Student in Information Science
Interests: Education technology, data science, technological inclusivity
Tom Chen
Tom Chen
M.Eng Student in Computer Science
Interests: Education, HCI, Accessibility, IR, Gender Bias in Tech
Alice Kathmandu
Alice Kathmandu
PhD Student in Stanford Graduate School of Education
Interests: psychology of technology, culture, science communication, gender, news consumption
Saman Rizvi
Saman Rizvi
PhD Student in Institute of Educational Technology, The Open University, UK
Interests: Learning Analytics, AIED, MOOCs, Sociocultural Studies
Hui Yang
Hui Yang
Post-Doctoral Fellow in Information Science
Interests: educational technology, learning sciences, STEM education
Anna Kambhampaty
Anna Kambhampaty
Undergraduate Student in Information Science; Incoming Researcher & Reporter at Time Magazine
Interests: implicit bias, social impact, psychologically inclusive design
Daniel Goldfarb
Daniel Goldfarb
Majored in CS & Math at Cornell; Incoming PhD Student in CS at Northeastern University
Interests: Machine Learning, Data Mining, Explainable AI
Hana Gabrielle Bidon
Hana Gabrielle Bidon
Undergraduate Student in Computer Science
Interests: Data Science for Social Good, Learning Analytics, Machine Learning, EdTech
Aishwarya Singh
Aishwarya Singh
Undergraduate Student in Computer Science
Interests: HCI, Gender Bias in Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence, E-Commerce